Fan Art Friday by Jjar J

I have been DIEING to show you guys this one! I received it last Saturday, so it’s been a tough wait!

David over at Legend of Bill does Friday Fan Art too, and last week he posted an incredible piece by Jjar, the artist of the web comic Jump Leads. I was so blown over by this that I asked Jjar to do one for me too – in jest. I never actually expected to get one. But the next day, guess what was sitting in my inbox? Yup! I was left speechless when I opened that mail. Not only because it’s GORGEOUS but because he actually went ahead and did it, and I’m not even sure he had ever heard of “Imy” before. It’s completely in his own style but it’s unmistakably Imy! The piece of hair hanging by her face, her eyes, just everything. I feel like we’re getting a good look at her close-up. I ADORE IT!

And the best part? He even recorded how he drew her!!! And it’s so cool to watch!

For more of Jjar’s amazing art, check out “Jump Leads” (also by Ben Paddon). I hadn’t heard of Jump Leads before the fan art. But I went and started reading it right away. It’s about two guys who get stuck traveling to parallel dimensions, while trying to find their way back to their own (Made me think of that show, Sliders! In fact, I think they reference that show in one of the strips). It’s extremely well written and well drawn. It’s funny and the story will suck you in. Go check it out!


If you’re interested in submitting a fan art read this to get all the info!