Fan Art by Mike Witmer
I’m going to be sitting right next to Wit at the Th3rd World table at NYCC next month! I’ve known him since I found his comic, Pinkerton near the beginning of my own comic “career” around 2½ years ago, and a year or so later he, and the rest of the TTF crew, invited me in to be one of the cool kids over there (I think someone put something in the TTF kool-aid that day).
A couple of weeks ago I told him that I wanted him to make a Witmer-fied Imy. He said he’s do it if I drew one of his characters, Buckley. So today we’re trading fan arts and you can see up there just a taste of what would happen if Imy showed up in Pinkerton Park. And if you head on over to Pinkerton, you’ll see the art I did for him (as soon as he posts it. It’s not there yet…)
And if you’re not reading Pinkerton yet, then get yourself over there and start immediately. It’s always good for a laugh, and Wit is the KING of the one-liner.
Discussion (4) ¬
that fox has a crush on another fox!!
He’s not the only one…
If she puts Tucker down, he’s gonna do a number on her knee caps.