
I spent my entire weekend finishing up the book. I’m tired but it was definitely worth it! Look at the Mick Meter up there!! Mick is one happy fish right now! As you can see, other than the “Edits” meter, it’s just the cover that’s left to do. I started working on it yesterday, as you can see in that screen shot above, and I’m still working on it now now. I need to get this to my printers this week. So it’s just all about getting this cover done.

Barring any big problems (of which there should be NONE! NONE!!!!) there will be a new comic on Thursday, and there will be NO MORE book-related interruptions! The book is SO CLOSE to being done that I can taste it! It looks GREAT and I’m so excited about seeing it in actual print!! The feedback I’ve had from the couple of people who’ve seen it has been good so far. SO… WOO!!!

See you guys on Thursday!