Blame the volcano!!
Hi guys. I’m writing this fast from my iPhone. There will be no comic tomorrow. If you want to blame anyone for that, then blame our planet!! My buffer ran out and I am currently one of the many thousands stranded all over the world due to the volcano and can’t do a comic for tomorrow. Also, depending on how things work out, I’m not sure what will happen with SPX. I think it’ll work out so that I can make it. Either way, I will post here when I know more info.
I have a feeling there might be a volcano storyline for Imy pretty soon…
Stay safe! Hope to see you soon, wish I could’ve come to the expo but we’ll work something out once nature settles down a bit eh.
Note to self: don’t have multiple potential comments swirling around in the head at the same time as typing.
Irma, readers; omit the ‘but’ – I’m not the stranded one! ;D
oh no!
hope you get home soon.
Well I do hope that everyone is safe and sound, CoderMike’s brother is stranded in Italy at the moment because of the Volcano. You can catch a flight out of Rome apparently but it will cost your $5,000 to leave… His professor paid that amount but left him there…
I heard that the airports are up and running but there is still a huge back log of people needing to fly out. So I hope that it stays quiet till you get home and you can make it to the expo!!!