53 – Joining the Band
First, let me just say that when I saw panel 1 in Lucas’s comic for today my jaw just dropped straight to the floor. I know that he does long shots of the apartment building in his strip from time to time. But it’s so typical that he would have a night scene with a moon shining behind it exactly the same day that I do! (But his moon kicks a helluva lot more ass than mine). I considered changing it to something else when I finished up the comic today, but decided that would have been ridiculous!
Second, just in case you missed it, I put up a fun little drawing I did of Imy in the news section.
Third, when drawing this strip I SAVED OVER the strip #52 Illustrator file. Oh yeah. I nearly started crying when I realized that there MUST be a way to get those vectors BACK from the Photoshop file (I draw everything in illustrator, but then assemble the strip in PS). And fortunately, thanks to the “Smart Vector Object” feature in Photoshop, and the fact that I actually use it, I got all my drawings for #52 back. I do not want to relive that experience ever again!
Fourth, tomorrow Aerosmith Guitar Hero comes out here in Sweden! My heart skips a beat every time I think about it! And tomorrow I will write a post on my blog to talk about my love affair with ^A^ over the years, and why they are so important to me. So don’t forget to look for that if you’re interested.
And fifth, I bet all my friends are laughing at that apartment building. *snicker* Ah… nevermind… 🙂
One more thing: This is random but I HAD to share. There is an approaching storm right now it seems, and I looked out my window and caught this! Lenticular cloud AWESOMENESS!
Now, go back and read todays’ comic if that picture just blew it out of your mind! 😀
Hope your real husband isn’t that insensitive. Most of us guys would just think what Jay said in panel 3, not say it out loud in front of her!
And she was so happy he came over. How does she know where he keeps his scissors? Inquiring minds want to know!
Great episode, by the way. The scenery in panel 1 is excellent.
Hahha. Exellent!
Ha! That is weird we both did that!
Great strip today!
Haha..Good strip..snip, snip..Like the the look of first panel too..
Aerosmith is a great band..In fact they started out as a local band in my area..Massachusetts, USA..I’ve seen them perform live 3 times over the years and am a big fan of their music..Anxious to read your blog about the Aerosmith Guitar Hero..
It’s been a year since I’ve seen it, but that is your balcony isn’t it? It looks familiar for some reason. Anywho…I love the attention you pay to detail. Even down to the wax in the lava lamp changing from frame to frame. Coolio!
WOW, you’re on the third floor now?!?!? Just wait until you hear about the excitement in my ‘hood’. 😉
me! Haha! No he’s definitely not insensitive at all, and he was highly amused by your comment 🙂 And yes she WAS happy, until he started to read on her toes. And she knows where his scissors are becasue they’ve been friends for a long time. And thank you!!! 🙂
Lucas: I know right? And thanks!
Mike: Thanks! And welcome! And thanks for linking me! And how cool to find another big fan! When I get home today I will write that post.
Leslie & Monica: Gah! I thought that you guys would find it funny because it was obvious that it’s a very Swedish inspired apt. building and not an American one (which I usually imagine as just bricks). But I guess my friends don’t see it that way LOL I’m still in the same apartment, which is on the first floor and with no balcony. Just that infamous “door to nowhere” with the gate to keep be from falling out. 😀
LOL! I knew it was a Swedish building. Well actually I picture all of Imy’s world in Sweden. It just looks Swedish. I remembered you were on the first floor but I thought you had a balcony. My bad.
I love the first panel. And that is so cool that even the stuff inside the laval lamp is moving frame to frame. The detail is great, and the payoff is fantastic. Imy is one spunky babe! 🙂
Buzz cut! Buzz cut! Buzz cut!
Leslie: Ha, well, it’s true that I never make it clear on where she actually is, therefore resulting in readers coming to their own conclusion, and I have a very good reason for that. But I do like to throw in those obviously Swedish things (well, obvious to people like you and me) that aren’t really that noticeable as being odd to anyone.
David: Thanks! And yes she is! She’s got all the spunk I wish I had!
Bill: Ha! She totally would if she had the chance! She can be just that evil.
And that’s a promise, not a threat…
Heart ,1985